Photoggraphy Blog | My Photowalk

My Photo Passion

Posted by Ron On November - 18 - 2009

have been learning photography ever since college but up until now, I still consider myself a "frustrated photographer". Not yet a pro but definitely not a beginner....just stacked up on the middle of both. But hey, I love photography. Its my passion too..

Why I Love Photography

Written By administrator On 1:22 AM
I always love the idea that photography can capture the moment. It is like a fantasy yet in its most realistic sense. The camera is like a tiny piece of time machine that has the power to freeze time. Literally.

I started loving photography in college. I got a "digital photography" subject. Yeah, our school teaches conventional photography no more. I never got to experience how to shoot and develop photos in film. But I really loved photography because of that class. I only had a low end digital camera by that time (and  I dont have any idea where it is right now).  

I learned the basics, proper angle...proper use of the light...of exposure. etc.

I am a geek..well, not in the most technical sense of the word...but in the sense that I am a techie guy. Get me in a tech store and I tell you...I will always have the urge to buy everything in that store...Photography has a concrete link with technology. This is one thing that get me to love photography.

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